Walk, Run & Roll at Oregon Zoo – Easterseals Oregon

Walk, Run & Roll at Oregon Zoo – Easterseals Oregon


For nearly 100 years, Easterseals has been helping people with disabilities, and their families, caregivers, veterans, and seniors get the services and support they need to reach their full potential. Walk, skip or roll between October 24th and 31st in your neighborhood, at your favorite park, on the waterfront – wherever you like! Every walk is a lifeline of funds that enables Easterseals Oregon to continue providing vital services and support to people with disabilities and their families. Bring your team together to start your Walk With Me fundraiser!

VENUE: Clark County Fairgrounds
LOCATION: Portland, Or
TYPE OF EVENT: Fundraising


By |2024-11-29T15:51:28-08:00December 29th, 2021|Event Planning, Case Studies, Porftolio|Comments Off on Walk, Run & Roll at Oregon Zoo – Easterseals Oregon

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